Stake Linea Travelbag to Earn N2 Points!

Limited Time Freemint Star-Ticket!

Invite Friends to Win USDT and N2 Points!

Follow Us and Win Big Prizes!

10 DAY 1
10 DAY 2
10 DAY 3
10 DAY 4
10 DAY 5
10 DAY 6
10 + 50 DAY 7
Total +10% 0/30 Day(s)
Check in for 7 consecutive days to earn additional 50 N2 Points! And, If you check in every day for a whole month time, you will be granted another 10% bonus N2 Points ^o^
0 Owned
Check In
June 10, 2024 - July 1, 2024
Stake  your Linea Travelbag and unlock daily rewards! Start the adventure with check-in and earn bonus points!
1. Steps: Click the 'Stake' button, and submit your Linea Travelbag staking request online
2. Rewards: You will immediately receive 100 N2 Points after staking. After that, you may visit this page every day and 'Check In' to get daily rewards.
3. Bonus: 7 Days and One Month Check-in will both grant you extra bonus N2 Points!
June 10, 2024 - August 1, 2024
Freemint the Star Ticket, and your own Galaxy Town in TownStory!
1. Register and Freemint: During the event, new Linea players can free mint a Star Ticket after completing the game registration step and verifying your email address.
2. Use Star Ticket: Once you get the Star Ticket, you can to fly to the planet in Centauri system and begin your new galaxy life! You can plant crops, explore the new world and build your own town in the game!
3. Precious Points: Participate in the event and daily activities, you can earn more N2 points which will grant you tokens later in the game.
July 17, 2024 - July 24, 2024
Invite friends and win big prizes together! Every new friend brings new hope and new rewards!
1. Lucky Draw: Click the page link or use TownStory Telegram bot to participate in the Lucky Draw.
2. Invite: Each time you invite a new user, you and your friend(the new user) will both get a lucky draw opportunity!
3. Rewards: Prizes include USDT, N2 points, special items, OG Pass and more!
June 10, 2024 - June 17, 2024
Follow & Repost win you Big Prizes! Every day's another chance, and the final surprise is waiting for you!
1. Steps: Follow @LineaBuild and @townstorygamefi accounts on X, repost our Event Posts and DONT FORGET to leave your game ID so that we could send rewards to you.
2. Daily Draw: Three lucky players will be drawn and receive 10,000 N2 Points everyday. On the last day, one player will be drawn to win 200 USDT.
3. Check-in Rewards: Check in daily under the #townstory topic for 10 consecutive days, and you can receive 1,000 N2 Points in the Townstory Discord.

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