Shipping and storing supplies

In order to make more money, we must use transportation tools to send goods to at the beginning of the game. Of course, transportation takes time, which requires you to plan the plan between warehouse and transportation. At first, there may be only a small amount of goods stored and sold, but when the industry in the town becomes richer, you need to make changes between transportation efficiency and warehouse capacity.

Links to the Context of the Town

Almost every building in Town Story requires an adjacent road, and this includes not only production buildings, but also warehouses and residences.
In order to exchange resources and transport materials more conveniently, Town Story has set up a wealth of vehicles to transport various resources.


Truck - as the main means of transportation of goods in the town, it carries all kinds of order goods for the residents of the town. When the goods order of the truck is delivered, you will receive coins and experience rewards.


Train - as a means of transportation connecting other towns, it will take longer to replace the commodities of the town with various building materials.


Aircraft - as the most advanced means of transportation in cities and towns, it can exchange goods and commodities for precious scientific and technological points for upgrading production and scientific research.


Ship - as the only means of marine transportation in the town, it may be slightly inferior to other means of transportation, but it can provide the town with the basic energy needed for business activities.

Hoard resources

As a building for storing various resources, the warehouse cannot store goods that exceed the storage limit. In order to ensure the flexible use of the warehouse, it is usually necessary to plan the use of resources, or use specific building materials to upgrade the storage capacity limit of the warehouse.


As you expand, additional items will need to be stored in the warehouse, so you usually need to upgrade your warehouse as the game progresses. Some of these items are valuable items in the game, so you need to ensure that you have enough storage space when you get them. When these precious resources are abandoned due to insufficient warehouse capacity, this is absolutely what you don't want to see.

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